Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Cobra Pose - Bhujangasana

Type of pose: Backbend
Benefits: Increases the flexibility of the spine. Can help relieve back pain.
Cobra is usually done as part of the Sun Salutation vinyasa sequence. It is can be done as an alternative to Upward Facing Dog in the sequence for beginners.
1. From Knees, Chest, and Chin position, release the tops of the feet to the floor and press them down.
2. Slide your chest forward and up keeping your hands exactly where the were.
3. Roll your shoulders back and lift the chest higher, while keeping the low ribs on the floor.
4. Keep your neck neutral, don’t crank it back.
Beginners: Strongly engaging the legs and pressing them down will help you bring your chest higher.
Advanced: Keeping the chest high, bring the palms off of the floor. Or keep the palms on the floor and start to straighten the arms for a more intense backbend.

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Serpent vertebrae

Serpent vertebrae
Oh to so limber!